EPA Releases Final Phase 3 Truck Greenhouse Gas Emissions Rule
- By: Shannon Davison
- On: 03/29/2024 15:12:27
- In: Legislative Bulletins
Today, the EPA released its final rule to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from heavy-duty vehicles in MY 2027 and set new, more stringent standards for MY 2028 through 2032.
The rule applies to heavy-duty vocational vehicles (such as delivery trucks, refuse haulers, public utility trucks, transit, shuttle, school buses, etc.) and tractors (such as day cabs and sleeper cabs on tractor-trailer trucks). This rule picks up where EPA's Phase 2 rule left off continuing federal efforts to decarbonize the trucking sector in setting the pathway for zero-emission freight transport. The agency projects new MY 2027 light and medium-duty vocational vehicles and associated charging infrastructure incremental costs to increase by roughly $7,000 and $17,000, respectively, compared to similar internal combustion trucks (See EPA Table 2-121 below). No heavy-duty zero-emission vehicle adoption rates were assumed in MY 2027, but such rates will be progressively increased -- starting with day cabs in MY 2028 -- and the rest of the heavy-duty sector beginning in MY 2030. |
Compared to the proposed rule, the EPA lessened carbon metric stringency levels for new MY 2027-2030 trucks to give the industry more time to arrange charging infrastructure but also increased carbon metrics in MY's 2031 through 2032 for most vehicle classes. TRALA will continue to sort through and review the 4,230 pages of final regulation and supporting documents and offer further insights in the coming weeks. The final rule can be viewed here Phase 3 Rule. EPA is committed to monitoring and soliciting stakeholder input throughout the implementation process and issuing periodic reports. Based on these reports, the agency may decide to issue a guidance document and/or initiate a future rulemaking to consider modifications to the Phase 3 rule. For questions, please contact Glen Kedzie at or Ryan Snyder at |