Based in Alexandria, Virginia, TRALA is a voluntary, nonprofit national trade association organized in 1978 to provide the unified and focused voice for the truck renting and leasing industry.
TRALA's mission is to foster a positive legislative and regulatory climate within which companies engaged in leasing and renting trucks and trailers, as well as related businesses, can compete without discrimination in the U.S. marketplace.
Total TRALA-member employees
TRALA's membership includes nearly 500 leasing and rental firms and 100 suppliers that make up nearly the entire truck renting and leasing industry.
Learn more about how to become a member.
Did you know? 25% = TRALA member share of all Class 2-8 trucks on the road today. TRALA members are responsible for purchasing approximately 30 percent of all Class 2 through 8 commercial truck operating in the U.S. each year.