Ace Hardware Corporation Driver Ron Johnson Named TRALA Driver of Year
- By: Shannon Davison
- On: 03/19/2013 16:07:50
- In: Press Releases
Alexandria, VA –March 19, 2013 – Ron Johnson employee of Ace Hardware Corporation of Yakima, Washington, has logged over 2.6 million accident-free miles driving tractor trailers over the past 30 years. For that lifetime performance of safe driving, Ron was nominated by Idealease, Inc. and selected from a group of ten similarly qualified drivers as the Truck Renting and Leasing Association's (TRALA) 2013 Driver of the Year. This award program is sponsored by the Goodyear Tire and Rubber Company.
Ron was recognized at TRALA's 2013 Annual Meeting on March 14 in Naples, Florida. In addition to an all-expense paid trip to the event for himself and his wife, Bobbi, Ron received a trophy and cash prize.
“For over 30 consecutive years, Ron Johnson has driven without an accident and maintained a perfect driver's log,” said Tom James, president and CEO of TRALA. “This year Ron stood out among the other candidates as possessing the highest excellence in driving and safety standards throughout his career.”
With over 30 years of city and over the road driving experience, Ron Johnson's accomplishments and service to his country speak for themselves. Over the past five years he has taken courses in first aid, hazmat, defensive driving, and HOS and logbook training; and twice he served as a combat life saver driver in Iraq helping to protect our men and women overseas.
TRALA, based in Alexandria, VA, is a voluntary, non-profit national trade association, organized in 1978 to provide a unified and focused voice for the truck renting and leasing industry. TRALA's membership includes more than 500 leasing and rental firms and 100 suppliers that make up nearly the entire truck renting and leasing industry. The renting and leasing industry is responsible for approximately 40 percent of all new Class 3 through 8 commercial truck registrations.