Deadline for Oregon's One Time Fleet Reporting Requirement Approaching
- By: Shannon Davison
- On: 06/07/2022 11:50:34
- In: Legislative Bulletins
As you may recall, the state of Oregon adopted the California Air Resources Board's (CARB) Advanced Clean Trucks (ACT) rule at the end of 2021.
Under the ACT rule, TRALA members, who meet the criteria of the reporting requirement, must submit a one-time medium- and heavy-duty fleet reporting form prior to the June 30, 2022 deadline.
The one-time reporting requirement is for large entities and government fleets that either own, operate or direct on-road vehicles with a gross vehicle weight rating (GVWR) greater than 8,500 pounds. Large entities are those that operate a facility in Oregon in 2021 and meet any of the following criteria:
Had gross annual revenues greater than $50 million in the U.S. for the 2021 tax year, including revenues from all subsidiaries, subdivisions or branches, and had one or more vehicles under common ownership or control that were operated in Oregon in 2021;
Any fleet owner in the 2021 calendar year that had five or more vehicles under common ownership or control;
Any broker or entity that dispatched five or more vehicles into or throughout Oregon in the 2021 calendar year;
Any Oregon government agency, including all state and local municipalities, that had five or more vehicles that were operated in Oregon in 2021; and
Any federal government agency that had five or more vehicles that were operated in Oregon in 2021
Organizations with a brokerage and/or motor carrier authority that meet any of the above criteria must report even if no vehicles are owned by the subsidiary (a company controlled by another company), corporate parents, or joint ventures.
TRALA members meeting the criteria above will need to report vehicle type, miles traveled, weight class and home base location to comply with the reporting requirement prior to the deadline date.
Please visit the Oregon Department of Environmental Quality website to download and complete the one-time fleet requirement reporting form. Completed forms must be submitted by email to before June 30, 2022.
You may view guidance on Oregon's One-Time Reporting Requirement by clicking here.
Similar reporting requirements are expected in states that have agreed to follow CARB standards such as Massachusetts, New York, New Jersey, and Washington state. New York has already set a reporting requirement deadline date for April 1, 2023 and TRALA will continue to monitor deadline dates for other states as they approach.
Should you have any questions or needed further information, please contact TRALA's Elizabeth Hyers at or Andrew Stasiowski at