EPA Publishes NOx Rule in Federal Register
- By: Shannon Davison
- On: 03/28/2022 16:19:33
- In: Legislative Bulletins
Today, in the Federal Register, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) formally published its proposed rule to reduce Nitrogen Oxides (NOx) produced by heavy duty engines, and to tighten Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions standards.
The rule is extensive and seeks to significantly reduce the federal standard for NOx from the current level of 0.2 to either .02 or .05, putting it more in line with the NOx rule produced by the California Air Resources Board (CARB). Furthermore, the rule seeks to strengthen the GHG emissions standards created by the Obama Administration beginning with Model Year 2027. In its announcement, the EPA set a public comment period of 46 days, meaning all comments must be submitted by May 13, 2022.
The EPA is proposing two options for reducing NOx for the public to comment. Option 1 is the more stringent of the NOx standards and would be a two-step process that would ultimately reduce NOx by 90% to .02 in Model Year 2031, putting the EPA at the same level as CARB's NOx standard. Option 2 would require manufacturers to reduce their NOx by 75% to .05 in 2027, setting a national standard that is less stringent than CARB's. The proposed rule would also make change
TRALA has significant concerns that this rule will result in a substantial increase in the cost and complexity of a new truck. Furthermore, as additional states adopt CARB's NOx rule, having a national standard for NOx that is less stringent than CARB's would create significant logistical problems for renting and leasing companies attempting to operate fleets. TRALA is considering submitting comments on this rule and is asking its members to respond to TRALA with any thoughts or concerns with submitting comments as well as ideas for what should be incorporated into TRALA's comments no later than COB Friday April 8.
You may view the proposed rule published in the Federal Register by clicking here.
Please send any questions or comments on the proposed rule to Jake Jacoby at or Andrew Stasiowski at