Formal Letter from FMCSA for all Drivers Utilizing Short-Term Rental Exemption
- By: Shannon Davison
- On: 10/25/2017 10:00:57
- In: Legislative Bulletins
The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) has sent TRALA an official letter for drivers of commercial vehicles to use if they wish to take advantage of the 8-day short-term truck rental exemption that was granted to TRALA two weeks ago.
The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) has sent TRALA an official letter for drivers of commercial vehicles to use if they wish to take advantage of the 8-day short-term truck rental exemption that was granted to TRALA two weeks ago.
While drivers may use a copy of the Federal Register or the letter originally sent out by TRALA to its membership earlier this week, FMCSA suggested this copy is the best form to use with law enforcement and so TRALA would like to ask all of its members to make a copy of this letter and have it ready for all your customers that decide to rent a commercial truck for 8 days or fewer for the next five years.
Drivers must keep a copy of this letter in the cab of the rental truck at all times.
A copy of the letter can be downloaded by clicking here.
TRALA continues to have discussions with FMCSA and plans to meet with them again in the next two weeks regarding our on-going dialogue for how we can make the ELD Mandate more efficient for rental trucks. TRALA also plans to meet with Members of Congress and staff and will ask Members to reach out to FMCSA directly to issue their support for our position on rental trucks. TRALA will remain in contact with its membership as to the progress of these meetings in the coming weeks.
If you have any questions, please contact Jake Jacoby at or at 703-299-9120.