
TRALA-Supported Nevada Revocation of Out-of-Service Carriers Legislation Signed by Governor

On May 26, 2017, Nevada governor Brian Sandoval signed into law TRALA-supported Senate Bill 31. The legislation will allow lessors the ability to reclaim their vehicles by having law enforcement impound the vehicle rather than seizing the plates in the case of a lessee having an out-of-service order placed against them.

On May 26, 2017, Nevada governor Brian Sandoval signed into law TRALA-supported Senate Bill 31. The legislation will allow lessors the ability to reclaim their vehicles by having law enforcement impound the vehicle rather than seizing the plates in the case of a lessee having an out-of-service order placed against them.
Originally when introduced, SB 31 would have revoked the registration for out-of-service carriers and allow for a peace officer to seize the plates and allow for the state to shut down an entire intrastate fleet until the carrier could resume operation. TRALA began working on a legislative fix in January to alter the language so that an entire fleet wouldn't be affected by one violation and for impoundment rather than plate seizure to be an accepted option for the peace officer in the case of a leased or rented vehicle.
Through multiple discussions with legislators in Nevada,  TRALA agreed to adjust the language to allow for the seizing of the plates in certain circumstances for safety concerns, however, the state allowed language instructing peace officers to notify rental or leasing companies if a vehicle in their fleet is being seized.
On April 17th, 2017 the Senate passed the bill as amended by a vote of 21-0 and was then referred to the Assembly Committee on Transportation. On May 17, 2017, the Nevada Assembly voted on Senate Bill 31 and passed it as amended by a vote of 42-0.
TRALA would like to thank Paul Enos, President and CEO of the Nevada Trucking Association and his staff for their leadership and diligence on this legislation.  
If you have any questions regarding this bill, please contact Graham Hall at or at 703.299.9120. 

