
FMCSA Sets Public Meeting on ELD Rule

The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) has announced a meeting to discuss the technical specifications for the Electronic Logging Device Rule (ELD).  The focus of this meeting will be to discuss how to help ELD manufacturers produce ELDs that will comply with the ELD rule.   This meeting represents an opportunity for TRALA members with an expertise on the technical side of ELDs to engage directly with the FMCSA.

The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) has announced a meeting to discuss the technical specifications for the Electronic Logging Device Rule (ELD).  The focus of this meeting will be to discuss how to help ELD manufacturers produce ELDs that will comply with the ELD rule.   This meeting represents an opportunity for TRALA members with an expertise on the technical side of ELDs to engage directly with the FMCSA.
Federal agencies often hold public meetings in order for technical aspects of rules to be discussed, and give the public the ability to comment in person on the rule.  These technical meetings can often be beneficial for the agency to learn from the industry about technology trends and for manufacturers to understand how agencies are working to craft their rules.  TRALA has submitted a petition with the FMCSA requesting that a five-year exemption be granted for short-term rental trucks to continue to use paper logs, rather than equip ELDs.  One of the main arguments TRALA makes in its petition is that the technology needed for a rental fleet to be in compliance with the ELD mandate has not been created and it is not possible for rental trucks to meet the standards required by the rule.  TRALA encourages members with technical expertise to participate in the meeting to explain the challenges facing the rental industry with the ELD rule as well as give insight and ask questions about the technical nature of ELDs to ensure FMCSA addresses all aspects of the mandate - not just for short-term rentals.      
The meeting will occur on Tuesday May 9, 2017 and it will last from 9:30 AM until 1:30 PM.  The meeting will be held at the United States Department of Transportation's Headquarters at 1200 New Jersey Avenue S.E., Washington, D.C. 20590.  You may view the posting of the meeting in the Federal Register by clicking here.
If you have any questions or concerns please contact Andrew Stasiowski at or calling (703) 299-9120.   

