TRALA and U.S. Chamber Promote Pro-Business Candidates in November Elections
- By: Shannon Davison
- On: 01/08/2013 12:44:01
- In: Legislative Bulletins
TRALA is working with the U.S. Chamber of Commerce to promote pro-business candidates for the United States Senate and House of Representatives this fall during the final five weeks before election day on November 6.
TRALA urges all its members to visit and take advantage of the U.S. Chamber's Vote for Business web site.
This web site has voter resources, discusses the key issues facing the business community, has timely new updates, and most importantly, it breaks down each race in the House and Senate so that TRALA members can make the best determination as to whom to support this November.
Within the "Voter Resources" page, you can find ways to register to vote, become more politically active, request an absentee ballot and garner more information so that you can make an informed choice come election day.
This web site can be a valuable tool for both business owners, key executive staff and all your employees and we urge you to forward it onto everyone associated with your company so that we can elect PRO-BUSINESS candidates for Congress. This election is critical to our industry and the broader business community so please take advantage of this great election tool at your disposal today.
A link to the Vote For Business web site is also posted on TRALA's web site at
If you have any questions about the web site or the 2012 elections, please contact Jake Jacoby at or at 703-299-9120.