
TRALA Welcomes New Staff Member Andrew Stasiowski

The Truck Renting and Leasing Association is proud to announce the addition of Andrew Stasiowski as its new Director of Government Relations effective today.
Andrew most recently comes to TRALA from the office of Shelley Moore Capito (R-WV).  Capito had served in the U.S. House of Representatives since 2001 until last November when she won election to the U.S. Senate and took office a few months ago.  
Andrew served in Capito's office in many capacities from 2008-2015, most recently as Senior Legislative Assistant from 2011 until 2015 specializing in transportation policy as well as financial services, budget and small business issues. 
Before working on Capitol Hill, Andrew worked on a state-wide campaign in Massachusetts as a Field Coordinator doing grass roots operations and working directly with local businesses.
Andrew is originally from Massachusetts and went to college at the University of Nebraska earning a Bachelor of Sciences in Marketing in 2004.
Andrew joins Joe Sculley in TRALA's Government Relations department to form a two-person team that will work together on both federal and state issues representing TRALA and its membership before Congress as well as state legislatures.
If you have any government relations questions going forward or would simply like to welcome Andrew to his new role, please feel free to contact him at or 703-299-9120.

