
TRALA Urges Members to Get Out and Vote on November 4th

The stakes are high and the need for pro-business leadership has never been greater. TRALA strongly urges all of its members and their employees to take the time to get out and vote on Tuesday, November 4! Political pundits are predicting as many as six to ten Senate races resulting in a party turnover, and control of both chambers of the U.S. Congress depend on the outcome.
Having a simple majority in the Senate...less than 60 votes...still means that compromise will be essential no matter what political party is in control.  Comprehensive federal tax reform and the need for long-term highway infrastructure funding are among the many critical items on the calendar for future congressional consideration.  Your vote for a pro-business, pro-growth, and pro-job creation candidate will help to shape the nature of the coming federal debate on these and other important issues that will directly affect your business.
If you haven't already voted, please go to your designated polling facility and cast your vote on Tuesday, November 4.  This is your chance to help make a difference and vote for business!

